Providing the Right Information to your Pest Exterminator

Pest Control

Learning of a pest infestation in your home is a disturbing experience for most people. Calling in a pest exterminator is the easiest thing to do but it is helpful to know what to tell him to prepare him for the task ahead. Here is a simple guide how to explain a pest problem to your exterminator.

  • 1. Define the problem honestly

Describe the problem simply and truthfully. This means you should provide details of the type of problem and the circumstances. For instance, in a suspected bedbug infestation, give a description of what you have seen and where you have seen them. If possible, take a picture of the insect and send it to the exterminator. Describing the problem accurately is helpful for the diagnosis of the problem and its solution.

  • 2. Provide the duration of the problem

Different pests and insects have different stages of growth and maturity. Different pesticides are applicable to each growth stage. You should therefore give the best estimate as to the duration of a particular problem to your exterminator.

Insects or pests may be introduced to your home by outside agents. Highlight if new items have recently been brought into the home or if there has been travel by any household members. This may provide further clues to the exterminator.

  • 3. Indicate attempted solutions

Pest control information is widely available. You may try out some suggested solutions on determination of a pest problem in your home. Do keep an inventory of these. The exterminator will need this information before addressing the problem.

These three suggestions will provide basic information the exterminator could use. You will be able to provide a definition of the problem and likely reasons for its occurrence. Information on attempted solutions will help the exterminator choose the correct pesticide for the job.

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